Giving Clear Feedback Lunch & Learn Talk in Finland

Welcome to our Giving Clear Feedback Lunch & Learn Talk! Clear and effective feedback is essential for fostering growth, improving performance, and building strong relationships in the workplace. In this session, we will explore the art of giving feedback that is specific, actionable, and constructive. Whether you’re a manager providing feedback to your team or an individual seeking feedback from colleagues, mastering the skill of giving clear feedback can drive success and enhance collaboration. Join us as we dive into practical strategies and techniques for delivering feedback that inspires growth and development.

During this interactive talk, we’ll delve into the principles of clear and effective feedback, explore different feedback models and frameworks, and discuss real-world scenarios to illustrate best practices. By the end of this session, you’ll have the tools and confidence to deliver feedback with clarity, empathy, and impact. Let’s embark on this journey together to unlock the power of clear feedback and cultivate a culture of excellence in our workplace.

Talk Objectives:

  1. Understanding the Importance of Clear Feedback:
    Recognize the significance of clear and timely feedback in driving performance improvement, enhancing communication, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within teams and organizations.

  2. Defining Clear Feedback Criteria:
    Identify the key components of clear feedback, including specificity, relevance, timeliness, and actionability. Understand how these criteria contribute to the effectiveness of feedback delivery and recipient understanding.

  3. Exploring Feedback Models:
    Explore various feedback models, such as the SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model, STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) technique, and Pendleton’s Rules for Feedback, to understand their application in different feedback scenarios and their role in promoting clarity and understanding.

  4. Providing Specific and Actionable Feedback:
    Develop the skills to provide feedback that is specific, focused on observable behaviors, and actionable. Learn how to frame feedback in a positive and constructive manner, highlighting areas of strength and offering concrete suggestions for improvement.

  5. Delivering Feedback with Empathy:
    Cultivate empathy and sensitivity in delivering feedback, recognizing the impact of your words and actions on the recipient’s emotions and self-esteem. Learn how to communicate feedback in a supportive and non-threatening manner, fostering trust and openness in the feedback process.

  6. Tailoring Feedback to Individual Needs:
    Recognize the importance of tailoring feedback to the individual preferences, learning styles, and developmental needs of the recipient. Learn how to adapt your feedback approach based on factors such as personality, communication style, and cultural background to maximize its effectiveness.

  7. Handling Challenging Feedback Situations:
    Develop strategies for handling challenging feedback situations, such as addressing sensitive issues, giving feedback to senior colleagues, or navigating cultural differences. Learn how to maintain professionalism, respect, and empathy while delivering difficult feedback effectively.

  8. Seeking Feedback as a Two-Way Process:
    Embrace feedback as a two-way process by actively seeking input and perspectives from others, including peers, supervisors, and direct reports. Understand the value of soliciting feedback to gain insights into your own performance and areas for improvement.

  9. Creating a Feedback-Rich Environment:
    Explore strategies for fostering a feedback-rich environment within your team or organization, where feedback is encouraged, valued, and integrated into everyday interactions. Learn how to create opportunities for feedback exchange, provide ongoing support and encouragement, and lead by example in giving and receiving feedback.

  10. Committing to Continuous Improvement:
    Commit to continuous improvement in your feedback practices by reflecting on your own feedback experiences, seeking feedback from others, and actively incorporating feedback into your personal and professional development. Embrace feedback as a lifelong learning tool and a catalyst for growth and improvement.

The Giving Clear Feedback Lunch & Learn Talk has equipped you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to provide feedback that is specific, actionable, and constructive, fostering growth, learning, and collaboration within your team or organization. By mastering the art of clear feedback delivery, you can inspire positive change, enhance communication, and drive performance improvement. Let’s commit to applying these principles in our daily interactions to create a culture of excellence and achievement in our workplace.

Ready to put your newfound knowledge into practice? Start by implementing the strategies and techniques learned in this lunchtime talk to deliver clear and effective feedback in your workplace. Remember to seek feedback from others, reflect on your own feedback experiences, and continuously strive for improvement. By embracing feedback as a powerful tool for growth and development, you can unlock your full potential and achieve greater success in your personal and professional life. Join us in embracing the power of clear feedback to drive positive change and create a culture of excellence in our workplace.

More Information:

Duration: 60 minutes

Fees: $1899.97  USD 1,019.96

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